A SaltyRain Production
Steve Mount's Software
Please be aware that Steve Mount's software products are 100% non-crippled. No nag screens, no timers, no missing features. See my current price list for details.
Also, as of July 15, 1997, all of my products are free for use by individuals. Any business or commercial use is still subject to license fees, however. If you do end up using one of my programs, I would appreciate that you email me so I can get a read for who is using the programs and how.
Files may be downloaded via anonymous ftp, if you prefer.
Got a bug? A suggestion? Just wanna drop me a line? Use my on-line reply form to contact me about my software, or anything else.
What the heck are these icons all about? See the Icon Key for details!
I can also be contacted by fax at 305-832-4627.
SRP maintains a database of your resumé data which you can update and print at will. Save personal, High School, College, Military, employment, reference, objective info. MANY print options - print to Laser/DeskJet, or Epson printers, plain text printer, HTML file, or export to a file to dress up in your favorite word processor. Print to the screen to review your resumé without printing. Minimum CGA Color monitor required. Includes chart comparing for SRP and three other resumé programs. $15 Registration (free for individuals).
You can see an unretouched copy of my resumé as generated by SRP's Print to HTML option...
TimeZ (ver 1.34a, built 11/26/98)
Keeps track of world time. Includes over 250 entries pre-loaded. Number of user-added entries limited only by disk space. Master Clock capable of displaying up to 36 pages of up to 57 entries per page. Real-time clock with real-time adjustment for Daylight Savings. Includes space for relevant "place" data: language, type of government, currency exchange rate (plus exchange rate calculator). Great for the traveller. $10 Registration fee (free for individuals).
WinSwap (ver 2.07a, built 3/28/97)
This is a DOS program that may be able to help you manage your .INI files. Allows you to swap blocks of lines in any text .INI file without keeping separate files for each set up you need. Can be used for different video configurations, or different shells. Recommended for Advanced users. Works great with Windows 3.x and Windows 95; also works with GeoWorks .INI files, and any other such files that follow the Windows .INI file conventions. Users include AT&T, Carolina Power and Light, Karsten (the Ping golf club guys), and Armstrong. Shareware, $15 Registration (free for individuals).
Included with the WinSwap file is a bonus utility called INITrim. Use INITrim to strip out bothersome and time-wasting comments and blank lines. The perfect companion to WinSwap.
DIRCMP (Directory Compare) (ver 1.41, built 5/21/95)
Use DIRCMP to compare the current contents of your directory to its contents in the past. DIRCMP shows the number of bytes added or subtracted from each file, files that are new, and files that have been deleted. Totals given. Helps with those who charge for work by the character. May help detect add-on viruses. Freeware.
DOS Quiz (ver 2.24, built 11/6/95)
20-question quiz of the user's knowledge of basic and advanced DOS commands. Screen simulates DOS prompt in all ways. After questions are answered, the user's score is shown. The user can save to a file or print score sheet. Site license available. Works with DQM or stands alone. Great for businesses and schools! Includes files for running in Windows. $15 Registration (free for individuals).
Advanced DOS Quiz (ver 2.15, built 3/28/97)
20-question quiz of the user's knowledge of advanced "power-user" DOS commands. Screen simulates DOS prompt in all ways. After questions are answered, the user's score is shown. The user can save to a file or print score sheet. Interfaces with DQM or stands alone. Site license available. Includes files for running in Windows. $15 registration (free for individuals).
DOS 5 Quiz (ver 2.23, build 11/6/95)
20-question quiz of the user's knowledge of DOS 5.0 commands, switches. Screen simulates DOS prompt in all ways. After questions are answered, the user's score is shown. The user can save to a file or print score sheet. Interfaces with DQM or stands alone. Site license available. Includes files for running in Windows. $15 registration (free for individuals).
DOS 6 Quiz (ver 1.02, built 11/6/95)
20-question quiz of the user's knowledge of DOS 6.0 commands, switches. Screen simulates DOS prompt in all ways. After questions are answered, the user's score is shown. The user can save to a file or print score sheet. Interfaces with DQM or stands alone. Site license available. Includes files for running in Windows. $15 registration (free for individuals).
DOS Quiz Manager (ver 1.25, built 11/6/95)
DOS Quiz Manager is primarily for use by schools and businesses that use the DOS Quiz programs (DOSQuiz, DOS 5 Quiz, DOS 6 Quiz, and ADQ). It allows customized execution of each quiz program, password security, etc. Site license available, see the documentation. Files for running DQM in Windows included. $10 Registration (free for individuals).
The DOS Quiz Suite is package deal on all DOS Quiz products. For just $30, you get a license to use DOS Quiz, ADQ, DOS 5 Quiz, and DOS 6 Quiz. To sweeten the deal, DQM is added at no extra charge. Site licenses are available for the Suite, too.
100EMU is a VT100 emulator for hard serial and modem connections. Admittedly, 100EMU is no match for Procomm Plus or Crosstalk. What sets 100EMU aside is how customized the program can be. Need specialized responses to custom escape sequences? Need full function-key programmability? 100EMU can be the affordable alternative. Standard pricing of the base program is only $20 per seat, with varying terms for multiple licenses. Custom programming is available at an hourly rate; estimate cheerfully given. Call or email for details.
Custom Programming
Please visit my Custom Programming page for
details about hiring me to fulfill your custom programming needs in DOS,
Unix, or for the Internet.
Animated Cursors (zipped 10/30/97)
I wanted some quick, nice-looking, not-too-flashy, not-too-busy, animated cursors to replace the Win95 "expand window" cursors. So I made these. Give 'am a try; my treat, for being so nice to visit me here. Included: replacements for Vertical, Horizontal, both Diagonal, and Move cursors.
Now includes a replacement for the Text and Pointer cursors, too. These two cursors were created by Robert Brooks. We've included each others' cursors in our archives. Visit Robert's site for more animated cursors.
Download Icons (zipped 7/8/98)
For years, I've used a dozen small icons (seen on this page) to indicate relative file size for downloading. I've also had a few requests to use the icons, which I've always been happy to allow. Now I've finally packaged them up into an archive.
Copyright © 1997-2009 Steve Mount
SaltyRain is a trademark of Steve Mount
Last Modified: 9 Dec 2009