The Great Ice Storm of 1998
Yes, it has been quite a winter thus far, and we've had some what of
some trouble with ice up here in the North. I was able to capture a very
few images of the ice storm. Here they are. You can click on each image
to bring up a larger version.
Also see John
Mangan's State of Emergency page and Ron Haskell's
A Personal
Account page.
Some ice-encrusted branches on a tree in Burlington. The ice is
about an inch in diameter here, I'd say.
We also had hail. Here is some of the hail that fell on my backyard
pick nick table. The hail is pea-sized and was accompanied by thunder and
Our backyard trees suffered some minor damage. Here is our small maple
tree with some downed branches from our 100-foot pine trees.
Some ice-encrusted branches on a tree in my backyard. The ice never seemed to
get as thick where I live than it did elsewhere, but this tree is protected overhead
by a very large stand of tall pines, and they may have gotten the brunt of the
One of our shrubs in our front yard. Pretty heavily encrusted, both from the rain and
from the run-off from the roof.
Some of the ice drippings from off of the deck in the front of my house. |
Copyright © 1997-2009 Steve Mount
SaltyRain is a trademark of Steve Mount
Last Modified: 14 Feb 2000