The following is a list of the browsers that hit the from April 28, 2009 to May 7, 2009, with a cut-off of at least 20 hits per browser type in that period.
#: #reqs: #pages: browser --: ------: ------: ------- 1: 239169: 239169: MSIE 2: 93345: 93345: Mozilla 3: 32439: 32439: Safari 4: 15371: 15371: Netscape (compatible) 5: 12085: 12085: Firefox 6: 6429: 6429: Chrome 7: 4499: 4499: msnbot 8: 3253: 3253: Mediapartners-Google 9: 2343: 2343: Opera 10: 2250: 2250: AISearchBot (Email:; If your web site doesn't want to be crawled, please send us a email.) 11: 1892: 1892: SD Crawler 12: 1362: 1362: Zend_Http_Client 13: 1182: 1182: Jakarta HTTP Client 14: 858: 858: Feedfetcher-Google; (+http: 15: 734: 734: GingerCrawler 16: 696: 696: Baiduspider+(+http: 17: 668: 668: WordPress 18: 594: 594: Java 19: 592: 592: iSiloX 20: 590: 590: Netscape 21: 506: 506: MSR-ISRCCrawler 22: 426: 426: msnbot-media 23: 394: 394: agentname 24: 389: 389: Yandex 25: 388: 388: BlackBerry8330 26: 348: 348: LinkWalker 27: 336: 336: Jakarta Commons-HttpClient 28: 263: 263: SiteGuardBot 29: 256: 256: Speedy Spider (http: 30: 254: 254: Yanga WorldSearch Bot v1.1 31: 226: 226: DoCoMo 32: 220: 220: BlackBerry9530 33: 174: 174: ConveraCrawler 34: 172: 172: Sogou web spider 35: 170: 170: VB Project 36: 165: 165: larbin_2.6.3 larbin2.6.3@unspecified.mail 37: 151: 151: Willow Internet Crawler by Twotrees V2.1 38: 134: 134: W3C_Validator 39: 118: 118: gsa-crawler (Enterprise; M2-KX9KNZABUA6JS;, 40: 117: 117: w3m 41: 112: 112: Hatena Antenna 42: 105: 105: Gigabot 43: 102: 102: BlackBerry8310 44: 88: 88: BlackBerry8320 45: 85: 85: BlackBerry8130 46: 83: 83: MLBot ( 47: 82: 82: Sosospider+(+http: 48: 79: 79: Yeti 49: 78: 78: SAMSUNG-SGH-E250 50: 75: 75: Python-urllib 51: 72: 72: Microsoft Data Access Internet Publishing Provider Protocol Discovery 52: 69: 69: BlackBerry9000 53: 68: 68: BlackBerry8830 54: 63: 63: MDSIS NIO Transport 55: 60: 60: gsa-crawler (Enterprise; M2-N2AYGMEBUA2AA; 56: 56: 56: http: 57: 54: 54: facebookexternalhit 58: 53: 53: AT&T 59: 42: 42: Snapbot 60: 42: 42: PHP 61: 41: 41: larbin_2.6.3 (larbin2.6.3@unspecified.mail) 62: 41: 41: libwww-perl 63: 40: 40: Wget 64: 39: 39: MivaDirect PHP 65: 38: 38: MSIE or 66: 36: 36: Opera VZW 67: 31: 31: 68: 31: 31: PycURL 69: 28: 28: flatlandbot 70: 28: 28: librabot 71: 27: 27: BlackBerry8100 72: 27: 27: renlifangbot 73: 25: 25: MnoGoSearch 74: 25: 25: SiteGuardBot ( 75: 25: 25: Microsoft Internet Explorer 76: 24: 24: LG-LX260 POLARIS-LX260 77: 23: 23: AideRSS 78: 23: 23: TailsweepBlogCrawler 79: 20: 20: Java1.3.1_01 : 1189: 1189: [not listed: 287 browsers]
The following list compresses this down to just browsers:
#: #reqs: #pages: browser --: ------: ------: ------- 1: 239169: 239169: MSIE 2: 93345: 93345: Mozilla 3: 32439: 32439: Safari 4: 15371: 15371: Netscape (compatible) 5: 12085: 12085: Firefox 6: 6429: 6429: Chrome 9: 2343: 2343: Opera 20: 590: 590: Netscape 25: 388: 388: BlackBerry8330 32: 220: 220: BlackBerry9530 43: 102: 102: BlackBerry8310 44: 88: 88: BlackBerry8320 45: 85: 85: BlackBerry8130 49: 78: 78: SAMSUNG-SGH-E250 52: 69: 69: BlackBerry9000 53: 68: 68: BlackBerry8830 71: 27: 27: BlackBerry8100 75: 25: 25: Microsoft Internet Explorer 76: 24: 24: LG-LX260 POLARIS-LX260